Become The Best Version of You

9 Tips To a Better Version of You

This article includes nine powerful tips and three actionable steps that can be taken immediately. It also includes a list of suggested readings for those looking for even more information.

Being the best version of you means different things to different people. Some

are happy with the bare necessities. For others, they want something more. No

matter what category you fall into, you can use these tips to become the best

version of yourself.

1. Know And Understand Your Purpose

Instead of wandering through life aimlessly, ask yourself questions to

determine your true purpose. For example, do you want to be the best

employee? Or do you want to be a triathlete? Writing down your purpose

gives you a reference to keep you on track.

2. Visualize Your Future Self

Once you know your purpose, visualize how a life like that would look. If you

want to be the best parent, think about what that looks like to you. If you want

to climb the corporate ladder, envision the version of yourself doing that. Think

of visualizing as structured daydreaming.

3. Let Go of Fear

Once you accept that you will fail along the way to your dreams and goals, you

open your mind to all sorts of possibilities. Consider failures as learning

opportunities to help you become the best version of yourself. Use your fear

to motivate you to push onward toward success.

4. Put a Stop to Negative Talk

The moment you commit to becoming a better you, your mind finds ways to

talk you out of it. You will need to work on techniques and habits to reign in

those thoughts that will hold you back. It's time to silence the inner critic.

5. Show Up and Do the Work

You need to take action. Putting effort into visualizing goals does nothing for

you if you fail to put forth the effort. Many can talk the talk. Few can walk the

walk. Be one of the few who put their words into action by taking the first step.

6. Let Go of Others’ Expectations for You

Becoming the best version of yourself is personal. Only you determine what

that looks like and how to get there. Now is the time to ignore the opinions of

those that don't matter and embrace your new journey.

7. Develop Empowering Habits

Habits can make or break your progress. Think about who you want to be and

build the habits to get you there. Start with something small, but eventually,

you will want to include various habits that impact every level of your life.

8. Give Yourself a Break

Making changes to enhance your life will come with some setbacks. That's

okay. When those moments appear, give yourself loads of self-love, reflect,

and get back in the game.

9. Give Back to Others

Volunteering your time, knowledge, and skills helps others and reveals your

best self—no matter where you are on your journey. Make volunteering a

priority. You will feel fulfilled and grateful.

Three Fact Action Steps

1. Write down what your purpose is by asking yourself what you

value. It may help to answer questions like: What activities do

you enjoy? What impact do you want to make?

2. Establish the next steps. Once you understand your purpose,

what do you need to do next? And after that? As you take the

next step, you will build momentum.

3. Choose one habit you can implement now that will push you

to become the best version of yourself. Practice it for a couple

of weeks, and then add a new habit.

Reading List

1. Wired for Success

2. The Success Principles

3. The 10X Rule: The Only Difference Between Success and Failure

4. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

5. Peak Performance


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